Tuesday, March 31, 2015

3 Tips for Being Raw Away from Home

I have been a bit slow with the blogs as there has been a lot going on in the rest of my life lately. One big thing which is going on this weekend is my sister's wedding! I am so happy to be a part of this event, and will be eating a bit of cooked vegan food as part of the celebration. For the rest of the weekend though, I would like to stay as raw as possible.

Since I have made these lifestyle changes I have improved my skin (although not completely yet), cured myself of boils, stopped my stomach cramps, and lost 40 pounds. I really don't want to get in the vacation mindset and ignore all my hard work and dedication, just to revert back to how I felt before. So aside from the wedding meal treat, I have been planning some food options for the weekend while I am away from the kitchen. I hope you find these tips helpful!

1. Plan ahead. I won't have my dehydrator. I won't have my food processor. I won't have a large blender or a juicer. I won't even have mandolins of julienne peelers. But I have those things now! Even though it is only Tuesday I have sprouted buckwheat going in the dehydrator right now so that we will have cereal to take with us. I may also be bringing pre-made dip or hummus to keep in the hotel's mini-fridge. I will likely blend and dehydrate some flax crackers or kale chips to take with us. And I plan on bringing a bottle of nut milk as well!

2. Fruit. The amazing thing about eating raw food is that so much of what you eat doesn't really need anything done to it! Apples, oranges, bananas, pears, peaches, and plums all fit right in your hand and don't even need refrigeration. Berries and grapes make quick easy snacks or additions to raw cereal or chia bowls. Dried fruit makes for easy eating in the car without the mess. And dates are basically candy. Yummy, yummy candy.

3. Enjoy some store-bought raw foods. A lot of the time in the grocery store I will eye the kale chips or the cacao truffles and sigh, "Looks good, but it is so much cheaper if I make it myself." Well, the challenges of eating raw on the road is kind of like the Universe telling you, "Just buy it. You earned it." Nowadays even major grocery chains like Safeway and Giant carry a few pre-packaged raw goodies. Partake in the treat... it is easier than loosing your mind!

Here is a list of some specifics I plan on bringing or purchasing:

-raw cereal
-hemp milk
-baby carrots
-mini cucumbers
-dried apple slices
-dried apricots
-dehydrated strawberries
-sunflower seed butter
-cacao nibs
-Gopal's raw warps
-Go Raw sprouted pumpkin seeds
-Go Raw flax snax
-Two Mom's in the Raw almond butter truffles

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